Public Aquariums
Our core competencies are gathered altogether in the field of water treatment systems for public aquariums.
Aquarium systems are complex artificial habitats, which in all its diversity, needs to be supported by a suitable water treatment system. Technology on behalf of biology.
Life Support Systems
Life Support Systems (LSS) are complex systems that supports and makes life in the aquarium possible.
The view into a so-called technical room conceals a tailor-made and coordinated water treatment system (pumps, filters, pipelines, etc.). The LSS extends into the aquarium tank, where e.g., lamps, flow and/or wave machines, and the targeted decoration, are incredibly important technical components. Thus, the term LSS represents all the elements that offer an artificial ecosystem to the animals.
Protein Skimmer Model Helgoland
Our protein skimmers model Helgoland are designed for a water flow between approx. 3 m³/h to 990 m³/h and are manufactured in different diameter, between 250 mm and 3000 mm. The models Helgoland 250 mm up to 500 mm are constructed in transparent acrylic.
From a diameter of 600 mm and above, the units are standard produced in polyethylene (PE). PE is a valuable and sea water resistant material.
Biofilter - Biological Trickling Filter
Sander’s Biological Trickling Filters are filled with filter media that is being sprinkled with water via a trickling tube. On the sprinkled filling material, a so-called bacteria bed grows up over time. Surplus material will be led out together with the sprinkling water. A constant gas exchange is one of the advantages of this trickling filter. This gas exchange grants a constant oxygen supply of the bacteria and on the other hand harmful gas as e.g., CO2 and/or Nitrogen (N2) are being emitted into the air. An additional ventilation is not required. Sander’s Biological Trickling Filters are suitable for applications in fresh and in seawater.
Biofilter - Submers
Clean + Clear
The Clean + Clear is a new compact water treatment system specially designed for base cabinets, but can also be used as a single component for show aquariums between 2 m³ and 10 m³. The filter drawers are removable and very easy to use.
The mechanical pre-filter chamber consists of three mat layers, through which the water is completely and evenly distributed. Thus, also the biological trickle filter underneath. A clear water chamber is intended for the connection of a feed pump (provided by the customer). A protein skimmer with a disperser pump is operated in the partial flow. The protein skimmer can also be operated with ozone (optional).
The denitrification biofilter is another component that is important for the chemical balance of the system. If too much nitrate accumulates in the system, it must be removed. A denitrification biofilter is used here, in which anaerobically working bacteria convert nitrate into nitrogen and water.
The denitrification biofilter needs an electron donor such as acetic acid.
For Small Show Aquarium Displays
Many show aquariums have also small tanks displays (around 1000 L). You will find the right Sander technology for this purpose in the aquarist area.
Compact Systems
Ozone Generators Multizon
For the water treatment with ozone in large and modern show aquariums, our ozone generators of the Multizon series are used.
The ozone generators of the Multizon series are fully automatic and manufactured in accordance to the German DIN 19627 standard. The units are cooled by air and the standard version is designed for a vacuum operation. A manufacture for pressure operation is possible.
The Multizon series can produce, depending on the size, between 5 and 500 g/h of ozone at a concentration of approx. 20 g/m³.
Rest Ozone Decomposer
Sander rest ozone decomposers are designed for the use with Sander protein skimmers Helgoland, Fresh-Skim, and Fresh-Skim Injector series.
Show aquariums indispensably require a central switchgear in which all electrically controlled aggregates are brought together. The elements of measurement, control and regulation technology are also included.
All important information is collected and evaluated by a programmable logic controller (PLC). The PLC becomes the brain of the system and is able to generate operational and warning messages.
Accessories and Spare Parts
Sander offers accessories and spare parts for all its ozonizers and protein skimmers in order to achieve an aquarium ecosystem appropriate for the animals.
You can experience the Sander technology worldwide. Clear and healthy water for show aquaria, zoos is our premise.
Excerpt from our reference list: